Амели - 2: Счастливое стечение обстоятельств / Биение крыльев бабочки /Battement d'ailes du papillon, Le / Happenstance / Amelie 2 / The Beating of the Butterfly's Wings/ 2001

Жанр: Мелодрама
Актеры: Audrey Tautou (as Irиne), Faudel (as Younиs), Eric Savin (as Richard), Nathalie Besanзon (as Marie), Lysiane Meis (as Elsa), Irиne Ismaпloff (as Stйphanie), Eric Feldman (as Luc), Frйdйric Bouraly (as Bobby), Franck Bussi (as The Waiter from the Philosophic Cafe), Marina Tomй (as Julie), Fйlicitй Wouassi (as The Vigilant), Antoine Coesens (as The Clochard), Saпd Serrari (as The Pickpocket), Lily Boulogne (as Luc's Mother (as Lili Boulogne)), Gilbert Robin (as The Destiny Man), Laurent Firode